Torre di Grado

As soon as we dive we will follow the rock that will take us to a first depth of 20 meters, and immediately we notice the thick presence of white and yellow gorgonians. Suddenly after an overhang of about 10 meters we will find a wall full of yellow gorgonians, sponges and coral, and as we follow the ridge that sinks towards prohibitive queote the yellow gorgonians give way to the red gorgonians. At 40 meters the show is all a fire of colors and on one edge there is a clavata paramucea unique in this area. As we go up towards the tower we encounter a very different backdrop, because hernomic and deep slits appear to our eyes that hide groupers, lobsters and in the months of June and September it is not difficult to come across large amberjacks. This dive is not recommended when current is already on the surface.

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